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Brown Dog

Complementary Muscle and Healing Therapies

Emmett Therapy & Reiki Healing

EMMETT is a highly effective therapy technique based on a very gentle, non-intrusive, muscle and soft tissue release approachIt can be used on its own, or to compliment other therapies and treatments. It is suitable for dogs of all ages, due to its gentle nature. It has been shown to improve quality of life.


By using light finger pressure at certain areas, this gentle therapy is useful in addressing pain and discomfort,  by improving restricted movements in problematic areas such as the hips, shoulders, elbows, neck and back. 


Emmett is primarily used for improved mobility and pain reduction, but also for stress release and general maintenance.


For active dogs, it helps pre-condition the body and aids recovery from sporting past-times, helping dogs that take part in CaniCross, Running, Agility, Gundog trials, Flyball, and other physically demanding activities. 


​Immediate results have been observed, although each dog is different and with some it can take minutes or hours to take effect, as releasing one area can have a domino effect that alters the rest of the body.​​


Emmett originated in Australia and is now an internationally recognised technique that is taught in over 35 countries globally. It has been thoroughly observed that this light touch therapy, improves the mobility, energy and behaviour of dogs after receiving the therapy.

  • Pain Relief from Sports or Accidents
    If your dog has been in an accident, or has had a sport related injury, this therapy gently relieves pain and restrictions through gentle, light pressure at specific points.
  • Lead and/or Harness Strain
    Dogs often pull on their leads and harnesses encourage pulling. This causes strain on their bodies in a way that we may not realise, and can be a cause of pain and discomfort, however subtle it may be.
  • Lower Back Discomfort
    Senior dogs, particularly develop pain in their lower back. This light touch technique is a very gentle and simple way to relieve such tension.
  • Unbalanced Gait or Stance
    An unbalanced gait can be a trigger for more problems down the line, by placing strain on the joints and muscles. This non-invasive technique can make dramatic changes to gait and stance enabling the dogs to move more balanced and fluidly. It is also an effective preventative treatment. It is great for any dogs that would benefit from moving more fluidly.
  • Performance Improvement
    This simple technique ultimately helps agility, sports and working dogs so they can have more freedom in movement and achieve their highest potential in performance.
  • Behaviour
    Stress is held in the body and dogs that are stress and pain-free behave better.

Reiki, (pronounced Ray-kee) 


A non-evasive, ancient, gentle healing form, and complementary energy therapy, originating in Japan. It is founded on the teachings of Mikao Usui in the early 20th Century. Based on the principle that everything in the universe consists of energy that flows around and through living beings, it is believed that disruption to this energy  causes health problems and Reiki practitioners seek to restore the balance of the energy flow.  


​Reiki is a very gentle therapy that can be carried out with, or without touch, and has many benefits on both the physical and mental well-being of the recipient.  


Animals are particularly receptive of this healing therapy and it can be used alone or with Emmett and other therapies to enhance the benefits.​

Reiki Benefits

Alleviating anxiety, stress, nervousness and producing a state of calm

Increasing energy levels and overall well-being

Supplementing medical treatments

Helping to heal after surgery, injury, or trauma

​Relieving aches, pains, strains, and allergies

Helping pets through depression or bereavement

Peaceful transition for animals ready to depart this life

Complimentary Therapy Sessions:

THE HVMC (Holistic Veterinary Medicine Centre)

The Village Works

London Road

East Hoathly

Lewes, East Sussex BN8 6QA


Village Pet Shop

Gardner Street


Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 4LE


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